News Release
Official Launch of Centralised Process Repository for Scottish Local Authorities, in partnership with the Digital Office Scotland and Engage Process.
Official launch of centralised process repository for Scottish Local Authorities
[April 24th, 2024]
The Digital Office for Scottish Local Government officially launched a centralised repository for Scottish Local Authorities with Engage Process, a leading process management solution. This collaboration was formally acknowledged at an event on 24th April 2024.
The collaborations between the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government and Engage Process marks a significant milestone in the digital transformation landscape, focused on improving processes, enhancing operational efficiencies and outcomes for citizens within public sector organisations across Scotland.
“We are thrilled to join forces with the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government in our shared mission to drive digital innovation and deliver savings in the public sector”, said Ted Twaalfhoven, CEO at Engage Process. “This partnership underscores our commitment to empowering organisations with simple and effective process management solutions, ultimately enabling them to deliver quality services and outcomes to citizens while reducing cost to the organisation.”
The launch event at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow featured insights from current customers on the benefits they have realised – from automation and cost saving initiatives to mapping and creating a central database for over 1000 processes – and highlighting the strategic objectives and collaborative initiatives envisioned through this partnership.
Verity Hislop, Senior Project Manager for The Digital Office for Scottish Local Government highlighted the need for innovative and efficient ways of working:
“If we truly want to embrace emerging technologies and achieve collective ambitions outlined in the National Digital Strategy, we must understand ‘where we are versus where we need to be’ across public sector services. By mapping and sharing our processes, we can address common challenges such as time, cost, resource, capability and capacity. Yes, many local authorities currently take this approach, however by introducing a central repository, with the support of Engage Process, we can reduce duplication and effort through collaborations, in turn, realising ambitions collectively despite changing priorities and ongoing pressures to deliver more, with less.”
If you would like to find out more about this initiative, please get in touch at info@digitaloffice.scot.
About Engage Process
Engage Process is a leading process management solution, dedicated to helping organisations streamline and standardise their operations, drive savings, and enable people-driven change. With a focus on empowering organisations through an intuitive and comprehensive process management platform, Engage Process enables clients to visualise, analyse, and optimise their processes in order to achieve various strategic goals and create sustainable change.
About the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government:
The Digital Office for Scottish Local Government is at the forefront of driving digital transformation across public sector organisations in Scotland. Through strategic leadership, collaboration and innovation, the Digital Office empowers public sector entities to harness the potential of digital technologies in delivering better services and outcomes for citizens.
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